The Third Metadynasty
March 3, 2006 - April 2, 2006
Ascension Address
There was none, as the game entered a Metadynastic period by CfJ.
The following players were active in this dynasty:
90000, Angry Grasshopper, Bucky, ChronosPhaenon, Ciaran, Elias IX, Excalabur, Josh, Kevan, Personman, Purplebeard, Quazie, Rodney, Scaramouche, Seventy-Fifth Trombone, smith, The Lone Amigo
Final Ruleset
Proposals of Interest
- Let’s have a grand old metadynastic time defined players as Gostaks and the Emperor as the "Ché-Háme-Háme" (I think that was "Che-Hame-Hame" with some diacritics, but can't confirm)
- Cheese allowed Gostaks to be awarded wheels of Cheese for "especially noteworthy in the cause of improving the core ruleset of blognomic, or which is otherwise cool or neat, or maybe even which involves making cool new gadgets for blognomic, or stuff" - this could be awarded during voting on any proposal, if more than half of votes included the word "cheese".
- The Agenda created a plan for the dynasty, being repairs to the ruleset, improvements to the wiki and to "thoroughly enjoy ourselves"
- "Levelling Up" created an office-style Building of 20 Floors
- The Tragedy of the doshcommons added a Distimmery to Floor 18
- Building needs more character(s) added Lazy Joe, Elvis, Shiny Demons and the VIP to the building
- Dosh go the Gostaks created rival Dosh Production Groups (First Gostak, Postom & Bankford, GDPDC, EcoDosh)
- Fault, Second Serve gave each Gostak a Mood (Ecstatic, Happy, Content, Unhappy or Depressed)
- EcoDosh Mission Statement
- The Demons’ revenge allowed Shiny Demons to abduct Gostaks, and made Floor 21 into Hell
- Underdog Free Trade Association (UFTA)
- Concern about concern about concerns mk.II added Stigma for leaving a DPG, and gave each DPG an Avzur and a Daleph
- On My Desk In Triplicate allowed Gostaks to Suspect one another, blocking victories
- The Worst Time For Advertising gave a large prize for getting the new BlogNomic URL "in either Associated Press or Reuters"
- Human and Non-Human Resources allowed players on the Human Resources floor to send other Gostaks to Floor 20
- Holiday defined March 23 as the Feast of Possible Bonus
- Reuters created Bars and the Dosh Price Index (and unsuccessfully attempted to claim the Reuters bonus)
- Control your destiny added an Elevator system
- Congrats, Lars - they were elected Avzur of Postom & Bankford
- Congrats, Quazie - they were elected Avzur of Postom & Bankford
- shotgun proposal allowed Avzurs to abduct Dalephs
- This cheese is too hard! made it easier to earn Cheese
- Suspicious entities allowed non-player Entities to Suspect Gostaks
- Legal Naming Spree named the anonymous Floors
- p-funk mothership allowed Entities to Battle each other
- Collateral Damage made it possible for Floors to collapse
- Poof! You’re there added Teleporters
- Really big tree put a Tree of Life on the 20th Floor, which could be climbed to reach other Floors
- The Store Again allowed Gostaks to spend Bars at the Shop on the 19th Floor, for effects up to and including achieving victory
- You Have a Point Though - Josh failed to be elected as Avzur of Postom & Bankford
mmviwas an attempted scam from Lars arguing that if a proposal redefined how proposals enacted (and also included a victory scam), it could apply that new definition to itself while pending, and enact itself. The group did not agree (also here).Declaration of Victory: Call for Judgement: April Fools!was bigger failed scam from Bucky in a similar vein
This dynasty saw the core ruleset being amended by having players work on it in a separate wiki document, with some changes being copied across. The Agenda was also a ruleset-tracked list of things to fix.
- Ruleset Amendments added glossary entries for common terms
- A Stitch in Time changed the wording of ruleset alteration and DoV voting
- Clearing Victory updated the DoV rule
- According to the Agenda added an essay portion to the wiki
Newly-unidled Angry Grasshopper made a sort-of DoV as an April Fool's Joke, which passed partly due to some players being tired of the Metadynasty.
Very confusing rules with a lot of absurdity and Gostaks. --Qwazukee 02:42, 12 Apr 2009 (GMT)
This Dynasty had many problems, and thus saw a large number of idles. Proposals would go by with only 2 or 3 votes. --Qwazukee 02:42, 12 Apr 2009 (GMT)
Written by Qwazukee.