The Third Dynasty of Trapdoorspyder
January 10 - February 6, 2023
Ascension Address
On the behalf of your various kings, you have all been sent to the Isle of Multa, each of you coming with the singular goal of establishing your dominion over this serene island. Its resources are plenty and its land is vast, but yet there will somehow never be enough for even two of you to coexist. You will have your squabbles and disagreements, and eventually one of you will have the privilege of writing back to your grand country with the wonderful news that you have indeed conquered Multa, and that this will all be to the undeniable glory and esteem of your ruler. Will this grant you happiness? I cannot say, for the present is my domain, not the future. But for today, I will watch. The Isle will grant some of you feast and others famine, and none who embark along this difficult journey will be without either at some point or another. I will watch with mild interest in the outcome, and perhaps I may interfere. I cannot say what will come tomorrow.
Repeal all dynastic rules except the rule “Grillin’”. Set the dynastic tracking page to “The Isle of Multa”. Set the synonym for Player to “Settler” and the synonym for Emperor to “The Onlooker”.
The following players were active at the beginning of this Dynasty: Bucky, Chiiika, Darknight, Habanero, Janet, JonathanDark, Josh, Kevan, Misty, quirck, Raven1207, SingularByte
The following players were active at the end of this Dynasty: Chiiika, Habanero, JonathanDark, Josh, quirck, Raven1207
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
- Feast and Famine: Production of Resources
- Sowing the Seeds: Setting resource Domains to their initial values
- Brick by Brick: First buildings
- The Merchant of Multa: First Visitor
- Many Eyes on the Prize: Factions
- Flat Dice: Dice Deck instead of 2d6 roll
- Free Trade: Trading mechanics
- Sails on the Horizon: Final tweaks to Corsair bribe and plundering mechanics
- Iron Deficiency: New resource, Iron, not produced by Production of Resources directly. Key ingredient in victory conditions later.
- You Forgot the Essence of the Game: First definition of victory conditions, using Iron and new buildings
- Special Moooove: Faction-specific buildings. The Amber Alchemical Apparatus was an important key to victory later.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Recycling buildings to gain back half the cost. Used later to get key missing resources for victory.
- Commonwealth: New building, the Library, voted down because it contained a potential scam
- Uncommon Wealth: Library with scam issue fixed. Another key to later victory.
Core amendments
Chiiika had four Cones at a Production of Resources, and achieved victory, passing the mantle to Habanero.