The Sixth Dynasty of Kevan
January 14, 2010 - February 26, 2010
Ascension Address
- Thank you all for taking the time and trouble to journey through the thick fog and treacherous country lanes to Cartlesham Manor, this evening. As you are all well aware, the sudden and tragic death of Lord Cartlesham means that the majority of his estate and not inconsiderable fortune is due to pass to the next in the family line. As the executor of his will, I am required to read its terms to you at 9am sharp in his lordship’s library, tomorrow morning. You will find that rooms have been laid out in the east wing, and the kitchen staff have - before retiring for the night - laid out a small banquet in the dining hall.
- I’ll take my leave of you before this fog gets any worse. I trust I shall see you all in the morning.
The following players were active at the beginning of this Dynasty:
ais523, alethiophile*, Apathetic Lizardman, Aquafraternally Yours, arthexis*, Bucky*, Darknight*, Digibomber, Dustin, Excalabur*, Hix*, Ienpw III*, Josh*, Kevan*, Nausved, NoOneImportant, Ornithopter*, Oze*, Purplebeard*, Qwazukee*, Roujo, Rune Master Xan, spikebrennan, tecslicer, There, Truman Capote*, Uvthenfuv, Wakukee*, yabbaguy.
The following players were active at the end of this Dynasty:
ais523, Anonyman, Bucky*, Darknight*, Darth Cliche*, Digibomber, Excalabur*, hellzapoppin, Flurie, Hix*, Ienpw III*, Keba, Kevan*, Nausved, NoOneImportant, Oze*, Purplebeard*, Put, Qwazukee*, Rodlen*, Roujo, spikebrennan, tecslicer, Thrawn*, Uvthenfuv, yabbaguy, zauper
Final Ruleset
A diagram of Cartlesham Manor can be found here.
Posts of Interest
The dynasty had a murder mystery theme, with several players secretly being murderers, and the others (including some undercover detectives) attempting to unmask them. It had a loose Werewolf/Mafia style to it, with locational movement around a mansion, and was perhaps notable for its "night" phase being one of secret movement - when "night" (or rather "a power cut") fell, all players could submit sets of movement/action instructions to the Emperor, to be shuffled and processed in order. Once a "repair the fusebox while in the basement" order was successfully processed, "night" would end and any changes in movement (or, indeed, murders) would be revealed.
(It's not entirely clear where the murders were actually announced: presumably the Executor was just updating the GNDT when the lights came back on, so there's no obvious public record.)
- The Door is Locked announced that one random Guest was secretly the Murderer, another the Detective, that Guests could be Alive or Dead, and that a proposal defined as a "Crisis" and describing the resolution of a physical problem could not be voted on by Dead Guests
- It's All About The Blood defined a secret bloodline, giving everyone a degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham; the closest living Guest would be his next of kin
- Hey- who turned out the lights? allowed the Executor to turn the mansion's lights on and off, to no effect
- Guessing the Will gave each Guest a weekly, private guess at which of two Guests were more closely related to Lord Cartlesham
- What Crisis? required the Executor to wave through a Crisis before it could enact, and gave him a private Gmail address
- Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go allowed Guests to pick professions
- Apparently I forgot the Cessna gave the mansion a layout, with four floors and ten rooms
- The Game is Afoot assigned the Murderer/Detective roles
- Catch Me If You Can allowed public movement when the lights were on, and secret movement (communicated to the Executor) when off
- Silence in the Library limited the weekly relation guess to players who were alone in the Library
- How Are You Feeling? allowed Guests to be Healthy, Stunned, Wounded, Poisoned, Restrained, Terrified, Asleep or Dead
- Where'd He Go? added "Missing" to that list
- Manoeuvres in the Dark defined actions which could be taken when the lights were off; moving, attacking someone and fixing the fusebox in the basement (which put the lights back on); some actions made noises which other players could hear
- Incidents and Accidents allowed the Executor to trigger events like the lights going out, or random Guests becoming Stunned or Terrified
- Fresh Baked Roles gave some abilities to the Cook, Admiral, Film Director, Attorney, Dowager, Aristocrat, Judge, Physician and Handyman
- Lights Out
- A Change for the Stranger created the default profession of Stranger
- Two's Company created a second Murderer and a second Detective
- Limit Dark Lists actions to 5 stopped people moving around too much in the darkness
- The Fusebox is Repaired
- Crisis: “Lover of Truth” my foot: Guests voted to restrain Alethiophile
- The Phone Rings
- Second Batch of Roles added more role abilities, for the Colonel, Governess, Apothecary, Journalist, Actor, Vicar, Banker, Gardener, Actuary, Butler and Maid
- Running With Scissors changed the processing of Dark Lists to be a random order, and repealed the phone ringing
- Another Phonecall
- Best Regards, The Detective allowed the Detectives and Murderers to send anonymous messages, proven to be from their role
- Killing and Cuffing allowed Murderers to Kill or (more cautiously) Wound people, and Detectives to Handcuff people
- The Lights Go Out
- Light and Shade allowed Crises to be resolved out of order
- Light in the Darkness allowed the Executor to switch the lights back on if nobody else was doing so
- Order Up added abilities for the Athlete, Gangster, Professor, Curator, Inventor, Housewife, Chaffeur, Musician and Spiritualist
- Lights Out
- Curse the Darkness kept the Lights off if nobody turned them on, and initiated another round of Dark Lists
- A Thump in the Attic: the Gardener fell unconscious
- Expanding Incidents added a possible case of rooms becoming blocked
- Lights Out
- Restrain Your Enthusiasm allowed Guests to become (irreversibly) Arrested, and for Restrained Guests to be freed by others
- I always forget to check my mail…: a (claimed) letter from the Detective
- Can't Stop the Sunrise added a victory condition: closest living relative at on March 1st 2010 wins
- Rest in Peace ruled that dead and arrested Guests shouldn't reveal information to living players (Spiritualist aside)
- Crisis: Take him away! The Guests voted to Arrest the restrained Alethiophile
- Lights Out
- Performing Seals allowed Detectives to hear all noises in their room, and for Murderers to steal Detectives' message-sending Seals upon killing them
- Schrodinger’s Corpse allowed Guests to hide, and to hide bodies
- Crisis: He explicitly claims to be a murderer: Ornithopter is restrained by the Guests
- Lights Out
- Something To Do created a safe with a secret combination, and the identity of the next-of-kin inside
- This Should Placate Kevan allowed eliminated players to return as "late arrivals"
- Lights Out
- Lights Out
- Not From Round These Parts ruled late arrivals out of victory (unless everyone became a late arrival)
- Lights Out
- The Berkshire Cartleshams gave Guests surnames (and late arrivals surnames other than Cartlesham), to make it clearer who was still a first-generation player
- Lights Out, the first where two rooms were blocked at once
- Sitting Ducks made restrained Guests into easy targets for Murderers
- Release Him! was a proposal to un-arrest Alethiophile, and this was vetoed
- Crisis: As Purplebeard wants to… attempted to restrain Purplebeard, but the lights were off
- Action in a Crisis added some common sense rules for what was and wasn't physical possible (eg. can't restrain someone unless two of the voters are in the same room as that person)
- Still Dark, the previous Dark phase continued
- Mind Your Head added some random injuries for each additional Dark phase
- Crisis: Purpleboard Again restrained Purplebeard
- Childhood Memories allowed every Guest to identify one other Guest who was more closely related to Lord Cartlesham
- Miraculous Escape was a correction that Digibomber hadn't been murdered after all (it's unclear where they became murdered)
- Crisis: Let’s untangle him freed Ornithopter
- How Hard Can It Be? allowed everyone to have a go at wounding someone in the dark, not just murderers. It also limited Dark Lists to one "Heavy" action.
- Night of Murders made Murderers' dark lists more likely to be processed first, then changed to two times
- Lights Out
- The Last of the Cartleshams had the game explicitly end at Daybreak, with further actions having little or no effect
- The Death of Death Itself gave a chance of further Murderers and Detectives arriving
- Bolting the Door prevented anyone who joined after the 18th of February from being able to win
- Dawn Raid added an alternate victory condition: correctly identifying all Murderers
- The Lights Remain Off
- Tumbling Down added a 25% chance of being injured when moving in the dark, when not a Detective, Murderer or Servant
- More Mercy Killing made it easier to kill sleeping Guests
- Lights Out
- Crisis: Illegitimate Heir attempted to set the next of kin to "Missing" without knowing who they were, but was voted down
- Poison The Wellwishers allowed Guests to become poisoned by others
- Look What The Cat Dragged In killed some poisoned players whenever the Lights went off
- Lights Out
- Lights Out
Core amendments
- Rereversion Revision clarified GNDT reverts
- Because it doesn’t hurt to have this added "making the game unplayable" to Fair Play
- More Time raised the edit window on categories from 5 minutes to 15 minutes
- "As a pale glow begins to light the sky over the village, a black police van pulls up in the driveway of Cartlesham Manor. Four uniformed officers step out onto the gravel, and spring up the front steps to the heavy double doors, which the Apothecary opens for them. One policeman heads straight for the lounge, another for the library, and the Diplomat and Professor are marched out in handcuffs. Through the grille of the van window, the Attorney arrested during the night glares out at the lights of the manor. And in a distant town square, the door to an Executor’s office is kicked open.
- Alethiophile, Anonyman and Darth Cliche were the murderers at Cartlesham Manor. Flurie correctly identified them in a phonecall to the police, and has achieved victory."
Flurie, a newcomer to the dynasty and to BlogNomic in general, won by correctly guessing the list of Murderers on the basis of speculation in IRC. Afters speculation led by Darth Cliche (who confessed to being one of the murderers), and with minor help from ais523 and hellzapoppin, a list was drawn up of possible identities of all murderers, and Flurie and Hellzapoppin submitted one each. Flurie's submission was correct. Flurie then "passed the mantle" for the next Dynasty to ais523.
Degrees of relation and further revelations were posted in a blog entry. The bodies of Digibomber, Thrawn and Excalabur were found hidden around the building, Truman Capote and Tecslicer were both found hidden and restrained, and Roujo was perfectly healthy and just hiding.
Never fails. Whenever Kev runs a dynasty, the lurkers come out to play lol.--Darknight 08:07, 15 Jan 2010 (GMT)
The DDA finally disbanded during this dynasty. User:Darth Cliche/sig 17:29, 15 Jan 2010 (GMT)
Bit overdue if you ask some people lol--Darknight 02:30, 16 Jan 2010 (GMT)
[Is still in the DDA]--Qwazukee 17:11, 17 Jan 2010 (GMT)
[is tired of secret plots, secret treaties, secret evil, and such] User:Rodlen/sig 22:49, 17 Jan 2010 (GMT)
During this Dynasty, total number of players reached what is believed to be a record of 33, with a corresponding record Quorum of 17.
- And still climbing--Darknight 05:35, 19 Jan 2010 (GMT)
- I think it maxed out at 33. --Qwazukee 09:09, 26 Feb 2010 (GMT)