The Sixth Dynasty of ais523
January 9th - January 31st, 2012
- Too long have you all worked as a disorganised rabble, stealing for your own benefit and competing over scraps of unimportant drug deals. I am sending this note to each one of you, to let you know: I know about you, and I am upset with your performance.
- From now on, you work for me. And you work with each other. Not too often, mind; no point in getting caught.
- Further instructions will be provided when you have proved yourself trustworthy. For the time being, gather money and armaments to help with a future great operation, and vie for the respect of your peers; not all of you are cut out to be future leaders.
- I will not ask you twice. Do not fail me.
- —The Don
Replace Driver with Criminal. Replace Dispatcher with Don. Keep the rule “Central Office”, repealing all other dynastic rules.
? (helps)
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- You know, if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to work together - The Ascension Address highlighted that players would have to team up and cooperate in this dynasty; the first proposal enforced that.
- Criminal Characteristics - Gave the Criminals a default amount of Wealth, Respect and Firepower, as well as police attention in the form of Heat, which could be reduced through cooperation.
- Get out of Jail, but not for free, II - Established that Criminals could be sent to jail and could bust themselves out.
- Goods - A set list of artefacts that could be stolen, with associated bonuses
- Oh, and we probably need a victory condition at some point - The first VC to be proposed: whenever the Police has been alerted enough, the criminal with the single highest stat won. It would later become possible to deliberately aggrivate the police.
- Is anyone here? - As the game started to stutter, a Bomb was put into the ruleset that would put the game into metadynasty if the timer ran out.
- Contacts - The pooling proposal that allowed the cabal to win, along with a proposal that allowed players to [ shuffle through partners quickly.
- It’s not a spam CfJ as a proposal - A fun, very late-dynasty proposal that suggested replacing the ruleset with the initial proposals of the thematically-similar The First Dynasty of Joranj.
Core rule changes
- Because apparently everyone else is either too lazy or doesn’t understand concept “lose” and Should do this anyway - After many successful goes-round over the years, the loophole in which a player could lose something they didn't have, or lose an arbitrary amount of a resource by going deep into minus numbers, was finally plugged
Other posts of interest
- Darth Cliche changed their name to Klisz.
- Comex changed their name to omd.
- coppro changed their name to scshunt.
After a couple of proposals by southpointingchariot that made it possible to spend resources to boost the resources of other players and to free them from Jail (thus allowing them to perform most of the dynasty's actions again), Clucky, omd, Cpt_Koen and southpointingchariot pooled their resources, gaining enough to be able to drive the Police Vigilance Number to 200 (thus causing the dynasty to immediately end, giving a win to the leading player), while still having enough resources left over to beat the next-highest-scoring player. southpointingchariot was intended to win by the conspiracy; however, due to performing actions in the wrong order, Cpt_Koen's transfer to southpointingchariot was illegal, and thus Cpt_Koen accidentally ended up with the highest Leadership and the victory.
This seems to have been a kinda sleepy dynasty, in which no-one ever settled on a core mechanic that was satisfying. Many ways of breaking the ruleset were identified but it seems like none were effectively weaponised, and the game ground to a half quick quickly as a result. Josh (talk) 12:26, 12 December 2021 (UTC)