The Seventh Dynasty of ais523
August 22, 2021 - ?
Ascension Address: Legislature at Work
With the decline of the Royal Court in the late 18th century, its legislative body, once the seat of power for an empire, no longer served any useful political function. However, organisations of this age and venerability don’t go down lightly. Lawmaking started out as politics, but it evolved into an art, and eventually a sport.
Nowadays, the Legislators still meet, more out of tradition and camaraderie than any sense of duty, and set about inventing bureaucratic hoops for each other to jump through, and raising points of procedure to stymie their opponents, and coming up with the most elaborate and impressive acronyms they can to title documents. They worry about whether they might be able to talk their competitors’ ordinances down, or survive letting them through, or even stoop to the level of voting them down.
Any sport needs its referees, and the Legislature is overseen by the mysterious Wielder of Vetoes. Sitting on a pedestal to one side of the room, the Wielder observes the action, and reads the documents, and cross-checks them against all the relevant law.
And then says No. Over and over and over again.
Change synonyms as follows: “Worker” to “Legislator”; “Factory” to “Wielder of Vetoes”. Do not retain any dynastic rules. Set the Special Case rules “Seasonal Downtime” and “Dynastic Distance” to Inactive. Change the dynastic tracking page to “The Legislature”.
The following players were active at the start of the Dynasty:
ais523, Bucky*, Chiiika, Clucky*, Cuddlebeam*, Darknight*, Jason, Josh*, Jumble*, lemonfanta, Raven1207, Trapdoorspyder, Vovix
And at the end: