The Twenty-Second Dynasty of Josh
9 March - 26 April 2024
Ascension Address
As any good sequel should, I’m going to stick to the formula that worked the last time: no narrative pre-amble, just an acknowledgement that Spring is here, in the Northern hemisphere at least, and so it’s a good time to go outside and take in the beauty of the world.
I’m very open to seeing what direction proposals take, but I’m especially interested in proposals that encourage real-world interactions with other players - including in person where players are geolocated.
Change the term Vassal to Seeker and Sovereign to Observer. Activate the Building Block Everyone’s Playing and Low-Player mode; deactivate all other Building Blocks. Change the Public Tracking page to “Photo Gallery”.
The following players were active at the beginning of this Dynasty: Brendan, Clucky, JonathanDark, Josh, Kevan, naught, pokes, Snisbo
The following players were active at the end of this Dynasty:
The following players were active at other points during the dynasty:
Gameplay summary
As of April 13th: Players take photos of the world, with their name and the Merriam Webster Word of the Day written in shot to prove that they took the photo that day. They each have secret criteria for what they want photos to contain (eg. "taken at night") and score points for any photos that match it. Players can gain bonus upgrades for certain types of shot (eg. "contains the name of another player"), which allow them to post photos more regularly.
To win the game, players have to attain four out of five awards (eg. "have 200 points" or "guess another player's criteria").
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
Dynastic Proposals
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)