The Second Dynasty of Rodney
November 1, 2006 - December 11, 2006
Ascension Address
To the Faculty:
It has come to my attention that certain rumours are being spread by certain persons, who I will not name (You know who you are), making all matter of unsubstantiated allegation about the new reservoir. These rumours claim that it is “poisoned” by a “colour” out of “space”, and that drinking from it will cause you to “grey” and then “crumble”. This is, of course, pure rubbish. Recent tests conducted by leading biologists have discovered that the new water supply, is in fact, healthier than normal water. Any “tint” or bitter taste claimed by these rumourmongers is simply the result of an overactive imagination.
I sincerly hope that I do not have to hear about this again, for if I do, there will be consequences for all involved.
Signed, Dr. Rodney, Director, Miskatonic University, Arkham.
Change Vegetable to Student.
Change Top Banana to Director.
Change Rotten to Sleeping.
Repeal all Dynastic rules.
Final Ruleset
Proposals of Interest
- created Sanity.
- created Planets.
- created Signs, etc. Chronos Phaenon used their expertise in astrology to create sophisticated rules.
- created Elements and Qualities.
- created Thirst.
- created Eldritch Tomes.
- created "mythos knowlege."
- created Great Old Ones.
- allowed a student to achieve victory if they were the only one not Lost.
- created institutionalization.
- created Monsters.
Clucky freaked out and thought another member could win almost instantly (which turned out not to be true in hindsight). Despite being one of leaders throughout most of the dynasty, Clucky chose to perform a risky action (can't find the game state document with the odds, but it was low) which game him victory if he succeeded and basically ended any chances for victory if he failed. It succeeded and he achieved victory.
- The action required one roll each of 2DICE6, 2DICE7 and 2DICE8 to all be below 10.-Bucky 00:30, 7 Jan 2011 (GMT)
There was a significant period in this Dynasty where no Admins were active. There was difficulty with long queues until Clucky became an Admin. --Qwazukee 04:55, 12 Apr 2009 (GMT)
Written by Qwazukee.