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Blogia and the Ansible first appeared in [[The First Dynasty of southpointingchariot]]. Jenny Haniver's distinguished career led to a later ISV being named after her; it first [The Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Kevan Explored New Ganymede] before [The Thirteenth Dynasty of Kevan succumbing to android insurrection] in the waning days of humanity. [[User:Josh|Josh]] ([[User talk:Josh|talk]]) 11:32, 30 November 2020 (UTC)
{{Dynastic Histories}}
{{Dynastic Histories}}

Revision as of 11:32, 30 November 2020


30 November 2020 -

Ascension Address: In The Darkness, A Light For All Humankind

General Jenny Haniver, Fleet Commander of the Earth Deep Space Expeditionary Corp, entered the ISV Relentless Inquisition’s Crisis Room at 4.37am Sol Adjusted Time and threw herself unceremoniously into the chair at the head of the table. The assorted Generals and other attendees at the table sat ramrod straight, eyes forward, as she lit a cigar and fixed them with a baleful gaze.

“Let’s have it, then.”

Captain Ken Park stood and gestured towards the holoboard, which lit up and started scrolling images and information. “At 2.14am SAT this morning we received word that the seal containing the DEVAs was breached.”

Cmdr Haniver looked impassive but several gasps and groans of dismay could be heard around the table.

“As best as we can make out, the breach took place on the planet Blogia, when some of the local pre-Type-One human civilization completed a tile mosaic that just happened to be the quantum key to the DEVA’s 5th-dimensional cage.”

“Gimme a break”, rasped Haniver around her cigar. “What are the odds.”

“It’s a big universe,” said General Hannah Pak, Commander of the Fleets. “Sooner or later it was bound to happen.”

“We should have wiped them out long ago,” added another General.

“That was never an option,” said Haniver. “Probably isn’t an option now. Last time humanity squared up against the DEVAs they knocked us back to the dark ages. Decimated our population, probably held us off of Kardashev Type 1 for a millennium.” An uncomfortable silence fell around the table.

“Options, people,” said the Commander after a moment.

“I have a core-buster ready to deploy,” said General Pak, to instant dismay at the table. Haniver raised a hand and silenced the room. “Within eight hours I can have Blogia wiped off the map, and everything on it.”

“Surely we can manage this situation without needing to resort…” began General Omololu, but Hanniver silenced her with a look.

“This is the DEVAs, people. None of us squared off against them last time and I’m not sure that any of us want to this time. All options are on the table.”

“My concern…” came a small, querulous voice from the food of the table.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” snarled General Pak.

“I have as much right…”

“He’s half DEVA!” General Omololu gestured at the new speaker while looking to Cmdr Haniver for support.

None was forthcoming. “I asked Specialist Poindexter to be here,” she said, knocking the ash off of her cigar. “In this instance, his lineage is an asset. Please go on, Poindexter.”

“Thank you,” said Poindexter, his angular eyes flitting around the room defensively. “As I was saying, the concern is that merely destroying the planet would not, in fact, destroy the breach itself, and that DEVAs can – as we know – survive and still be a threat in deep space. Sooner or later we would face the problem again.”

“Do you have a better solution?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

Specialist Poindexter stood, drawing himself up to his full nine feet in height. As he walked over to the holoboard the articulation of his arm and knee plates made it look a if he was gliding. Captain Park handed him the control baton and stepped aside.

“I propose,” said Pondexter, “that we make use of the presence of the Ansible in the area and deploy the Rapid Atmospheric Insertion and Deployment team against the DEVAs. With the Ansible’s ability to transmit limitless quantities of information instantly, RAID pilots can remotely pilot mechanical shells against the DEVAs with no risk to themselves, allowing them to learn new tactics and retain knowledge of how to defeat the enemy. With only a small amount of retrofitting, the Ansible can also be used to synthesise stellar matter to produce functionally limitless numbers of new shells, meaning that we will be able to deploy an army that is self-sustaining. We will have the opportunity to see past the superior firepower of the DEVAs, and perhaps even work out how to defeat them once and for all.”

“Absurdly risky,” cried General Omololu. “If even one of them makes it off of that planet then –“

But Commander Haniver had leaned forward in her seat. “If that happens then at least we will have the benefit of RAID’s information on the DEVAs and how to defeat them. I like it. The DEVAs have been locked away for generations – they’re weak. This might be our best chance. Okay. Generals Omololu and Pak, please draw up contingency plans for deep space combat against the DEVAs. For now – Poindexter – you are green to go.” She stood, looked around the room at the tense, confused, despairing faces. She briefly considered saying something comforting or inspiring, but instead just nodded. “Dismissed.”


The following players were active at the start of the Dynasty:

Bais, Bucky, Clucky, Coderblaze, Darknight, Josh, Kevan, lendunistus, Maris, pokes, Raven1207, robotabc773

And at the end:


Final Ruleset


Posts of Interest

Dynastic Rules

Non-dynastic changes



Blogia and the Ansible first appeared in The First Dynasty of southpointingchariot. Jenny Haniver's distinguished career led to a later ISV being named after her; it first [The Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Kevan Explored New Ganymede] before [The Thirteenth Dynasty of Kevan succumbing to android insurrection] in the waning days of humanity. Josh (talk) 11:32, 30 November 2020 (UTC)

Dynastic Histories

Round One - Myke I - Lyndse I - Myke II - Kevan I - Anthony I - Est I - Kevan II - Damanor I - Kevan III - Cayvie I - Josh I - Keitalia I - SatyrEyes I - Metadynasty I - Cayvie II - Brendan I - Kevan IV - Knightking I - Chronos Phaenon I - TrumanCapote I - Knightking II - Quazie I - Simon I - AngryGrasshopper I - Rodney I - Aaron I - Josh II - Metadynasty II - Chronos Phaenon II - Excalabur I - Excalabur II - 75th Trombone I - Elias IX I - Metadynasty III - Angry Grasshopper II - Hix I - Thelonious I - Elias IX II - Rodney II - Clucky I - Doremi I - Chronos Phaenon III - Amnistar I - Clucky II - Amnistar II - Bucky I - Clucky III - Josh III - Kevan V - Hix II - Spikebrennan I - Jack I - Purplebeard I - Rodlen I - Yoda I - Amnistar III - Darknight I - Bucky II - Yoda II - Metadynasty IV - Arthexis I - Amnistar IV - Devenger I - Ais523 I - Ienpw III I - Qwazukee I - Klisz I - Metadynasty V - Bucky III - Wakukee I - Kevan VI - Ais523 II - Josh IV - Purplebeard II - Ais523 III - Ienpw III II - Klisz II - Lilomar I - Coppro I - Ais523 IV - Kevan VII - Brendan II - Alecto I - Josh V - Clucky IV - Purplebeard III - Kevan VIII - Ais523 V - Purplebeard IV - Yoda III - Bucky IV - Kevan IX - Bateleur I - Metadynasty VI - Coppro II - Ais523 VI - Cpt Koen I - Southpointingchariot I - Josh VI - Scshunt III - Quirck I - Clucky V - Bucky V - Kevan X - Josh VII - Kevan XI - Scshunt IV - RaichuKFM I - Larrytheturtle I - Skju I - Metadynasty VII - Purplebeard V - Spitemaster I - Josh VIII - RaichuKFM II - The Alien I - Benzene I - RaichuKFM III - Purplebeard VI - Kevan XII - Ayesdeeef I - Bucky VI - Kevan XIII - Josh IX - Mideg I - Kevan XIV - Brendan III - Kevan XV - Tantusar I - Josh X - Kevan XVI - Thrawn I - Brendan IV - Kevan XVII - Moonroof I - RaichuKFM IV - Larrytheturtle II - Brendan V - Kevan XVIII - Brendan VI - RaichuKFM V - Kevan XIX - Brendan VII - Kevan XX - Viv I - Pokes I - Sphinx I - Madrid I - Pokes II - Madrid II - Metadynasty VIII - Axemabaro I - Diabecko I - Kevan XXI - Diabecko & Card - Kevan XXII - Derrick I - Card II - Madrid III - Card III - Kevan XXIII - Pokes III - Kevan XXIV - Trigon I - Derrick II - Kevan XXV - Derrick III - Farsight I - TyGuy6 I - Pokes IV - Madrid IV - TyGuy6 II - Kevan XXVI - The Duke of Waltham I - Josh XI - Clucky VI - Naught I - Metadynasty IX - Kevan XXVII - Josh XII - Clucky VII - Josh XIII - Bucky VII - Josh XIV - Kevan XXVIII - Lemonfanta I - Clucky VIII - Josh XV - Misty I - ais523 VII - Josh XVI - Kevan XXIX - Trapdoorspyder I - Metadynasty X - Brendan VIII - Brendan IX - Zack I - Misty II - Josh XVII - MadisonSilver I - Josh XVIII - Kevan XXX - Lendunistus I - Josh XIX - SingularByte I - Trapdoorspyder II - Bucky VIII - JonathanDark I - Trapdoorspyder III - Habanero I - JonathanDark II - Misty III - Metadynasty XI - Josh XX - Lemon II - Kevan XXXI - Josh XXI - Clucky IX - Vovix I - JonathanDark III - Zack II - JonathanDark IV - Josh XXII - Kevan XXXII - JonathanDark V - Darknight II - Clucky X - Lukas I - Desertfrog I - ais523 & Josh - Raven1207 I