The First Dynasty of Zack
16 January -
Ascension Address
Welcome to orientation, new recruits! The Boring Box Company™ is excited to see so many fresh faces joining our workforce. Now, I know you’ve all heard the rumors floating around, but our lawyers want me to assure you that everything we do here is strictly above board!
What? You want to know what happened to the old employees? That’s not important right now. What’s important is getting you trained and ready to start selling boxes!
Repeal all dynastic rules. Set the wiki page referred to in the rule Dynastic Tracking to Company Portal. Replace GPS with CEO and Tripper with Employee throughout the ruleset. Activate the Special Case Rule “Imperial Differentials”.
At the start of the dynasty, these players were active: {Brendan, Chiiika, Clucky, Josh, Jumble, Kevan, Raven1207, redtara, Silverwing, SupernovaStarbright, Tech, Trapdoorspyder, TyGuy6, Zack}
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)