The Eighteenth Dynasty of Kevan
May 23, 2016 — June 16, 2016
Ascension Address: A Thousand Words
Trying something a bit different this dynasty, so no in-character preamble: this is intended as a real-world scavenger hunt where players take photos of things and submit them to the blog. We’ll see what direction the proposals head in, but I’d be interested in restricting the game to a particular city, to give the potential for some real-life interaction between players (such as having short time windows in which photos had to be taken without being spotted). It’d limit the player base, but it might bring in some much-needed fresh blood, and distant players could potentially recruit local friends to run missions on their behalf.
Replace “Imagineer” with “Hunter” and “Boss” with “Moderator”.
The following players were active at the end of the Dynasty: Brendan*, Kevan*, RaichuKFM*, Larrytheturtle*
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
Make It Snappy - Established the basic photo-capture mechanism of the dynasty.
After a few attempts at rewriting rules in his own favor failed in Two-Player Mode, Brendan waited until Kevan's Celebrant Target declined out of the game, used graffiti photos to steal the two targets Kevan controlled, and quietly sat for 24 hours before pointing out that all the other Targets were no longer Valid since their location-matching players had idled out.