The Second Dynasty of Angry Grasshopper

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April 2, 2006 - July 4, 2006

Ascension Address

Hearty greetings to you, my brothers! We end the month of November in the Year of Our Lord, 1419. My fellow Benedictines send me message (though doubtlessly you have already heard) that the Anti Pope Joannes the Twenty-Third has died, and may we have no such difficulties during the papacy of Martinus the Fifth.

Here at Badia a Passignano we have just finished the harvest of olives, and the servants are making the necessary preparations for winter. Our harvest was a good one this year, and with luck our surplus will fetch us a good price at the market, though the market in Florence has no shortage of olives.

The political situation in Florence is as interesting as it has ever been, and I am glad that our Monastery of St. Passignano is located on the outskirts of the city. The Albizzi family still runs the city, but the upstart Medici clan is a powerful force in the market, and they seem to have changed the balance of power. Such temporal affairs of money and power need naturally not concern you, my brothers--our Rule forbids private ownership, for the good of our souls.

As we have started the month of November, I remind everyone that we shall keep the Night Office until Easter--that we shall all meet in the church at the 8th hour of night for Matins. However all monks are to return directly to their respective communal quarters afterwards, and no brother is to wander the grounds otherwise during the night for any purposes.

Funeral mass will be held tomorrow for our brother Alessandro of Pisa. The peasants who witnessed the accident said that Alessandro stumbled and fell before a cart and so met his end. Our assistant librarian Matteo of Florence will assume his duties and take the role of librarian. I have not decided whom to appoint the position of his assistant. Again, remember that it forbidden for all brothers to enter the library, so if any have need of a text for your work, search out the Codex in the Scriptorium and make a request to Matteo, who should be in the Scriptorium if not at offices or labor about the Abbey.

Yours, Abba,

Stefano of Florence

Replace Gostak with Monk, and Che Hame Hame with Abbot. All rules except for 2.1 are repealed. ‘Cheese’ becomes ‘Blessings’. All pending proposals except for Adminify Bucky are vetoed. The GNDT is cleared except for the new Blessings column. I will back up the log for the last game. Somebody send out an Alert?

Final Ruleset

The Dynasty's final ruleset has been archived.

Big Fat Notice

Elias IX conspired to edit the Blasphemous Ruleset and send me back a fake version when my hard disk crashed. The text looks more or less correct to me, but some of the numbers seem off. There might be some gaping loopholes created by the addition or omission of a word here or there. I have put up the original, the version that I received, and the diff.

Here's how the secret rules came into being: I used Cipher IV to create secret rulesets, which then enabled me to make more of them by Rules H/B. 1 and 2.

Angry grasshopper 02:30, 4 Jul 2006 (GMT)

  • (Surprisingly, it was just me. Bucky wasn't involved, to the best of my knowledge.) --Elias IX 02:24, 15 Aug 2006 (GMT)

Codex (These are all Hix's notes; none of them are mine)

1) If there is no rule with header "occult knowledge" any monk in the chapel may add it.

Caesar cipher (ROT 13) with noise


2) A Monk may PM the Abbot with subject scholar if e has not already done so. E then gains 5 knowledge.

Substitution cipher (including numbers) with a pattern


3) Any Monk on the grounds with fitness less than twenty may often increase it by one.

Simple row <--> column permutation


4) There exist two sets of game rules not listed in the wiki that the abbot has. Any Monk who has been in the library and has the location _ may message the Abbot for one and only one list of these rules.

KEY REQUIRED. Shift depends on key.

The key is "SECOND DYNASTY OF ANGRY GRASSHOPPER". Here is the hint, which was written when there were only four ciphers. IV is obviously a Vignere cipher.

"Of ciphers there are four: of classes three; of replacements there are two, and of traspositions one.

No simple exchange or re-arrangement will make it past this locked gate. This lock is made more skillfully than the others, and for it you will need a KEY. It is hidden in plain sight and made obscure by its common aspect. If you would search it out, look at the top of the monastery, but be wary--if you do not move past the two circles you will be confounded."

The top of the monastery is the title bar. ;) Angry grasshopper 02:30, 4 Jul 2006 (GMT)


5) A Monk may voice eir suspicion to the abbot via message, who may then adjust the suspicion total.

Easy permutation by blocks of 5


6) If a Monk is poisoned, the Abbot may often check DICE(ten). If the result is one or three, e is no longer poisoned; If it is even, e loses five fitness.

Trickier permutation by blocks of 3


7) A Monk in possession of a Manual of Alchemy has proficiency in Alchemy.

Ceasar cipher (ROT 3) then row <--> column permutation


8) A Monk, if in the possession of the book Java in a Nutshell, gains the skill of Brewing, the rules for which may be obtained by messaging the Abbot.

Ceasar cipher (ROT 20). Alphabet includes lowercase letters and spaces.


Orders Ruleset

O1 This is the Orders Ruleset. If any Rule in any other Ruleset (Core or Secret) conflicts with a rule in the Orders Ruleset, only the rule in the Orders Ruleset shall be valid.

O2. For the purpose of maintaining an interesting game, the Abbot may undo, overturn, or revert any action that the Player known at the beginning of this dynasty as Bucky has done.

O3. If the Abbot votes FOR any Declaration of Victory, all Secret Rules are repealed and the Rule 'Codex' and all of its subclauses become italicized at earliest convenience.

O4. No Monk except the Abbot may legally create, delete, alter, or otherwise edit a Secret Rule without the knowledge and consent of the Abbot.

O5. The Abbot may create, delete, alter, or otherwise edit a Secret Rule or Ruleset at any time.

Heretical Ruleset

This is the Heretical Ruleset, which is a subset of the core rules of Blognomic. All of these rules apply to the game by Rule 2.10.4, CIPHER IV, and will apply even if that rule is repealed. The Heretical Ruleset is repealed on the end of this dynasty.

H1. The Abbot may edit any Ruleset by posting notice that an encrypted rule was used to the frontpage. H2. There exist other secret rulesets.

H3. Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Heretical Ruleset is Heretical. H4. Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Heretical Ruleset may not use Cipher IV for the remainder of the game.

H5. The Heretical Ruleset may be updated at any time without notice.

All good Heretics know that Jehova is merely the Demiurge who created the world, and that Jesus came to save us from the flawed material world that this imperfect being created. All Heretical Monks are advised to research a little bit of Gnosticism (if one is not familiar with it).

Heretical Powers--Heretical Monks gain several abilities by virtue of being Heretical:


H6. Heretical Monks do not have Knowledge--instead they have Gnosis. When a Monk becomes Heretical, set eir Gnosis equal to eir Knowledge, and then set eir Knowledge equal to zero. A Heretical Monk may never gain Knowledge. Gnosis may never be greater than 100.

H6.1 Heretical Monks may not gain Knowledge by using Rule 2.6.2. Instead, any time a Heretical Monk votes on a Proposal, e may accompany eir vote with one or more relevant verses from the the Apocrypha. After that Proposal becomes Enacted or Failed, e may increase eir Gnosis by 3 at any time in the next 24 hours, per Proposal e used this rule on. The Abbot may penalize quotations as e sees fit.

H6.2 A Heretical Monk may substitute Gnosis for Knowledge in any Rule in the Standard Ruleset that uses Knowledge.

H6.3 Once per forty-eight hours, a Heretical Monk may spend a point of Gnosis and request a copy of the Heretical Rules from the Abbot. The Abbot may send a copy of the Heretical Ruleset to any Heretical Monk at any time, primarily to advise in case of interesting updates.

H6.4 A Heretical Monk may often gain one point of Gnosis.


H7. A Heretical Monk may tap on eir Gnosis to effect base material reality. A notice stating that a Heretical Power has been used must be posted to the front page whenever such a Power is invoked. A Heretical Monk may Often use a Heretical Power if e meets the requirements for its use.

H7.1 Reconstruction. A Heretical Monk must spend 10 points of Gnosis to use this Power. Eir Fitness and Temporary Fitness are set to 15, and e is no longer Poisoned, if e was.

H7.2 Sophia. A Heretical Monk must have three Books to use this Power. A Heretical Monk must spend 10 points of Gnosis to use this Power, whereupon those three Books are destroyed. E may then send a message to the Abbot asking for the plaintext of any one Cipher.

H7.3 Deconstruction. A Heretical Monk must have a Skull and Bloodmoss to use this Power. A Heretical Monk must spend 20 points of Gnosis to use this Power, whereupon the Skull and Bloodmoss are destroyed. At the discretion of the Heretical Monk invoking this Power, any Monk in the same Room lose 15 Fitness and Temporary Fitness.

H7.4 Virtuality. A Heretical Monk must have Fairy Grass and a Chunk of Quartz to use this Power. A Heretical Monk must spend 20 points of Gnosis to use this Power, whereupon the Fairy Grass, and Quartz are destroyed. At this time the Heretical Monk may set eir Location to any Location that is not occupied by another Monk.

H8.5 Celestial Choir. A Heretical Monk must have a Bell and Scales to use this Power.A Heretical Monk must spend 15 points of Gnosis to use this Power, whereupon the Bell and Scales are destroyed. The Heretical Monk then Chants as per Rule 2.19 Chanting, except that X becomes 3X, and all Monks who are in Audible Distance begin to Chant with 3X instead of X.


H9. A Ritual is a set of game actions that can be Performed by a Heretical Monk. Whenever a Ritual is Performed by a Heretical Monk notice must be posted to the front page that such a ritual has been done. A Heretical Monk may Often perform a Ritual if e meets the requirements for its use.

H9.1 Dedication. A Heretical Monk may only Perform this Ritual when the time is Midlight. No other Rituals may be Performed by a Heretical Monk until the Dedication Ritual is Performed. When a Heretical Monk Performs this Ritual, e loses DICE10 Integrity. Once this Ritual has been Performed by any Heretical Monk, each day the Abbot shall make a DICE3 check, and each Monk shall lose that many points of Integrity.

H9.2 Incorporeality. A Heretical Monk may only Perform this Ritual when the time is Night, and eir Location is the Graveyard Chapel. A Heretical Monk must spend 20 points of Gnosis to Perform this Ritual. A Heretical Monk also must have a Bone, a Skull, and a Book to Perform this Ritual, whereupon the Bone, Skull, and Book are destroyed, and the Heretical Monk performing this Ritual becomes Incorporeal.

An Incorporeal Monk may Move through a Location marked by a '%' as if it were Empty.

No Monk may Pick a Fight with an Incorporeal Monk. At the cost of 6 Moves, an Incorporeal Monk may move into a Location that is Denoted by a blank space on the map.

H9.3 Transcendence. A Heretical Monk may only Perform this Ritual when the time is Day, eir Location is the Library, and e is Incorporeal. A Heretical Monk must have a Mandrake Root, a Skull, and a Looking Glass to Perform this Ritual. A Heretical Monk must spend 20 points of Gnosis to Perform this Ritual, whereupon the Mandrake Root, Skull, and Looking Glass are destroyed, eir Fitness and Temporary Fitness are set to 1, and the Heretical Monk performing this Ritual becomes Transcendent.

A Transcendent Monk may often increase eir Gnosis by 50.

H9.4 Apotheosis. A Heretical Monk may only Perform this Ritual when the time is Noon, eir Location is an Altar, and e is Transcendent. A Heretical Monk must have a Telescope, Nightshade, and a Book to Perform this Ritual. A Heretical Monk must spend 100 points of Gnosis to Perform this Ritual, whereupon the Telescope, Nightshade, and Book are destroyed. Any T's on the map are replaced with 0, and the text "0, a Cosmic Portal" should be added to the Map Definitions.

A 0 is empty to any Incorporeal Monk.

Any Trascendent Monk whose has performed the Apotheosis Ritual and whose Location is 0 may declare victory.

Blasphemous Ruleset (I think this one is correct)

his is the Blasphemous Ruleset, which is a subset of the core rules of Blognomic. All of these rules apply to the game by Rule 2.10.4, CIPHER IV, and will apply even if that rule is repealed. The Blasphemous Ruleset is repealed on the end of this dynasty.

B1 The Abbot may edit any Ruleset by posting notice that an encrypted rule was used to the frontpage. B2 There exist other secret rulesets.

B3 Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Blasphemous Ruleset is Blasphemous. B4 Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Blasphemous Ruleset may not use Cipher IV for the remainder of the game.

B5 The Blasphemous Ruleset may be updated at any time without notice. B5.1 The Blasphemous Ruleset is repealed at the end of this dynasty.

All good Blasphemerss know that the celestial hierarchy is a joke, and that by no means is the conflict between Heaven and Hell decided. Blasphemous Monks in particular are encouraged by their divine (or is that infernal) allies to insult the honor of the deity whenever possible. Note that as this sort of behavior has a historical tendency to be rewarded with being burned at the stake, Blasphemous Monks are typically surreptitious in their subversive manners, striking out against the system when it is possible to do so with minimal chance of being exposed.

B6 A Blasphemous Monk may never Pray.

B7 If a Blasphemous Monk ever has the Station Heaven, set it instead to Hell.

B8 If a proposal has the words "God", "Jesus", or "Jehovah" in the title, a Blasphemous Monk may not vote FOR that proposal.

B9 If a Command or Invocation given by a Blasphemous Monk alters the GNDT, e may employ the Anonymous account or ask the Abbot to make the alterations for purposes of secrecy. Notice: the GNDT is logged by IP, so anyone with a shell account can access it (that's AG and a handful of others). A wise Blasphemer might consider spacing out the entries to obscure his identity, or relying on the Abbot to do his dirty work.

Blasphemous Powers--Blasphemous Monks gain several abilities by virtue of being Blasphemous:


B10 A Blasphemous Monk usually has several minor imps or demons at eir beck and call. A Blasphemous Monk may often Issue a specific Command to these demons by paying any required costs and giving notice to the front page that an Infernal Command was Issued if that Command requires it.

B10.1 Scry. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 3 points of Fitness, a point of Knowledge, and a point of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice need not be given. Afterwards the Blasphemous Monk may send a communication to the Abbot requesting knowledge about the game state or rules. The Abbot shall respond with an answer as e sees fit, but will always give up some hidden or secret information about the game in eir reply.

B10.2 Infernal Grasp. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2X points of Integrity and X points of Fitness to Issue this Command, where X is a positive integer of eir choice. Notice must be given. The Blasphemous Monk may then destroy X number of Items of eir choice.

B10.3 Distortion. A Blasphemous Monk must spend X points of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice need not be given. E may then decrease the Gnosis or Knowledge exclusively of any number of Monks, as long as the total Gnosis (resp. Knowledge) decreased is 2X points. No Gnosis (resp. Knowledge) score may be less than zero as a result of this Command.

B10.4 Terror. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 5 points of Fitness and Integrity to Issue this command. Notice must be given. E may then at will set the Moves of any Monk in the same Room (or within Audible Distance) to zero.

B10.5 Conjuration. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 8 points of Fitness and 2 points of Knowledge to Issue this Command. Notice must be given. If e has less than three Items, e then gains an Item of eir choice that another currently Monk has.

B10.6 Blasphemy. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2 points of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice must be given. All Monks within Audible Distance (except the Monk Issuing this Command) lose 2 points of Integrity.


B11. A Blasphemous Monk may blasphemously invoke an infernal power, say, a demon perhaps, to further eir nefarious end own ends. A Blasphemous Monk may often Invoke a specific Demon by paying any required costs and giving notice to the front page that an Demon was Invoked. A Demon may only be Invoked in Game Night.

B11.1 Abraxas. A Blasphemous Monk must have a Skull and Grave Earth to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 10 points of Fitness and 4 points of Integrity to Invoke Abraxas, whereupon the Skull and Grave Earth are Destroyed. E may then select up to two Monks, who then lose 9 points of Fitness and Integrity. If this would set either number below 1 it becomes 1 instead.

B11.2 Andromalius. A Blasphemous Monk must have two Books and Ginseng to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge to Invoke Andromalius, whereupon the Books and Ginseng are destroyed. E may then send a message to the Abbot, indicating a specific Location on the map where an Item may be Searched for. The Abbot may create a secret rule allowing that Item to be found at that specific Location.

B11.3 Focalor. A Blasphemous Monk must have Garlic, Nightshade Berries, and a Butcher's Knife to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 20 points of integrity and 5 points of Fitness, whereupon the Herbs and Butcher's Knife are destroyed. E then makes a DICE2 check in the GNDT with the comment "Secret Check" for each Monk in Audible Distance. If the result is 2, that Monk loses 5 points of Knowledge and becomes Poisoned.

B11.4 Mephistopheles. A Blasphemous Monk must have an Hourglass, a Candle, and Malachite to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 10 points of Fitness and Knowledge and 15 points of Integrity, whereupon the Hourglass, Candle, and Malachite are destroyed. The next time eir Station becomes Hell, set eir Location to the Altar in the Graveyard Chapel and stats to that of a New Monk. Mephistopheles may not be Invoked more than three times.

B11.5 Asmodeus. A Blasphemous Monk must have a Frog, a Book, and Fairy Grass to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend five points of Fitness and seven points of Knowledge and Integrity, whereupon the Book, Frog, and Fairy Grass are destroyed. That Monk gains the ability to often increase eir Fitness, Knowledge, and Integrity by one point each, by decreasing the Fitness, Knowledge, and Integrity of one other Monk.

B11.6 Beelzebub. A Blasphemous Monk must have Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 25 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge, whereupon the Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales are destroyed. The Gnosis and Knowledge of all Monks is then set to zero, up to three Monks of the Invoker's choice become Poisoned, and the Invoker gains control of up to three Actors (message the Abbot for more details). The Invoker then gains the ability to set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness twice per day.


B12. A Monk is Living if eir station is neither Heaven nor Hell.


B13. A Blasphemous Monk may attempt to open a gatewell to Hell in the Monastery.

B13.1 A Blasphemous Monk may often Desecrate the Monastery by spending 5 points of Integrity and sending private notice to the Abbot.

B13.2 A Blasphemous Monk may often Offer an Item of eirs to the infernal forces by destroying that Item.

B13.3 If a Blasphemous Monk has Desecrated the Monastery at least 10 times, Offered at least 6 items, Invoked at least 4 distinct Demons (including Asmodeus and Mephistopheles), directly caused in the estimation of the Abbot at least 3 Monks other then emself to have the Stations of Heaven or Hell, and the total Integrity of all Living Monks is less than 50,, then the Abbot shall make a post titled "Hell Breaks Loose". Once all of these conditions are satisfied, that Blasphemous Monk achieves victory the next time e is Standing on an Altar.

==Blasphemous Ruleset (Elias IX's cooked version)

This is the Blasphemous Ruleset, which is a subset of the core rules of Blognomic. All of these rules apply to the game by Rule 2.10.4, CIPHER IV, and will apply even if that rule is repealed. The Blasphemous Ruleset is repealed on the end of this dynasty.

B1 The Abbot may edit any Ruleset by posting notice that an encrypted rule was used to the frontpage. B2 There exist other secret rulesets.

B3 Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Blasphemous Ruleset is Blasphemous. B4 Any Monk, with the exception of the Abbot, who has read the Blasphemous Ruleset may not use Cipher IV for the remainder of the game.

B5 The Blasphemous Ruleset may be updated at any time without notice. B5.1 The Blasphemous Ruleset is repealed at the end of this dynasty.

All good Blasphemerss know that the celestial hierarchy is a joke, and that by no means is the conflict between Heaven and Hell decided. Blasphemous Monks in particular are encouraged by their divine (or is that infernal) allies to insult the honor of the deity whenever possible. Note that as this sort of behavior has a historical tendency to be rewarded with being burned at the stake, Blasphemous Monks are typically surreptitious in their subversive manners, striking out against the system when it is possible to do so with minimal chance of being exposed.

B6 A Blasphemous Monk may never Pray.

B7 If a Blasphemous Monk ever has the Station Heaven, set it instead to Hell.

B8 If a proposal has the words "God", "Jesus", or "Jehovah" in the title, a Blasphemous Monk may not vote FOR that proposal.

B9 If a Command or Invocation given by a Blasphemous Monk alters the GNDT, e may employ the Anonymous account or ask the Abbot to make the alterations for purposes of secrecy. Notice: the GNDT is logged by IP, so anyone with a shell account can access it (that's AG and a handful of others). A wise Blasphemer might consider spacing out the entries to obscure his identity, or relying on the Abbot to do his dirty work.

Blasphemous Powers--Blasphemous Monks gain several abilities by virtue of being Blasphemous:


B10 A Blasphemous Monk usually has several minor imps or demons at eir beck and call. A Blasphemous Monk may often Issue a specific Command to these demons by paying any required costs and giving notice to the front page that an Infernal Command was Issued if that Command requires it.

B10.1 Scry. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 3 points of Fitness, a point of Knowledge, and a point of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice need not be given. Afterwards the Blasphemous Monk may send a communication to the Abbot requesting knowledge about the game state or rules. The Abbot shall respond with an answer as e sees fit, but will always give up some hidden or secret information about the game in eir reply.

B10.2 Infernal Grasp. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2X points of Integrity and X points of Fitness to Issue this Command, where X is a positive integer of eir choice. Notice must be given. The Blasphemous Monk may then destroy X number of Items of eir choice.

B10.3 Distortion. A Blasphemous Monk must spend X points of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice need not be given. E may then decrease the Gnosis or Knowledge exclusively of any number of Monks, as long as the total Gnosis (resp. Knowledge) decreased is 2X points. No Gnosis (resp. Knowledge) score may be less than zero as a result of this Command.

B10.4 Terror. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 5 points of Fitness and Integrity to Issue this command. Notice must be given. E may then at will set the Moves of any Monk in the same Room (or within Audible Distance) to zero.

B10.5 Conjuration. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 8 points of Fitness and 2 points of Knowledge to Issue this Command. Notice must be given. If e has less than three Items, e then gains an Item of eir choice that another currently Monk has.

B10.6 Blasphemy. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2 points of Integrity to Issue this Command. Notice must be given. All Monks within Audible Distance (except the Monk Issuing this Command) lose 2 points of Integrity.


B11. A Blasphemous Monk may blasphemously invoke an infernal power, say, a demon perhaps, to further eir nefarious end own ends. A Blasphemous Monk may often Invoke a specific Demon by paying any required costs and giving notice to the front page that an Demon was Invoked. A Demon may only be Invoked in Game Night.

B11.1 Abraxas. A Blasphemous Monk must have a Skull and Grave Earth to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 10 points of Fitness and 4 points of Integrity to Invoke Abraxas, whereupon the Skull and Grave Earth are Destroyed. E may then select up to two Monks, who then lose 9 points of Fitness and Integrity. If this would set either number below 1 it becomes 1 instead.

B11.2 Andromalius. A Blasphemous Monk must have two Books and Ginseng to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 2 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge to Invoke Andromalius, whereupon the Books and Ginseng are destroyed. E may then send a message to the Abbot, indicating a specific Location on the map where an Item may be Searched for. The Abbot may create a secret rule allowing that Item to be found at that specific Location.

B11.3 Focalor. A Blasphemous Monk must have Garlic, Nightshade Berries, and a Butcher's Knife to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 20 points of integrity and 5 points of Fitness, whereupon the Herbs and Butcher's Knife are destroyed. E then makes a DICE3 check in the GNDT with the comment "Secret Check" for each Monk in Audible Distance. If the result is 1 or 2, that Monk loses 5 points of Knowledge and becomes Poisoned.

B11.4 Mephistopheles. A Blasphemous Monk must have an Hourglass, a Candle, and Malachite to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 10 points of Fitness and Knowledge and 15 points of Integrity, whereupon the Hourglass, Candle, and Malachite are destroyed. The next time eir Station becomes Hell, set eir Location to the Altar in the Graveyard Chapel and stats to that of a New Monk. Mephistopheles may not be Invoked more than three times.

B11.5 Asmodeus. A Blasphemous Monk must have a Frog, a Book, and Fairy Grass to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend five points of Fitness and seven points of Knowledge and Integrity, whereupon the Book, Frog, and Fairy Grass are destroyed. That Monk gains the ability to often increase eir Fitness, Knowledge, and Integrity by one point each, by decreasing the Fitness, Knowledge, and Integrity of one other Monk by one.

B11.6 Beelzebub. A Blasphemous Monk must have Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 20 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge, whereupon the Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales are destroyed. The Gnosis and Knowledge of all Monks is then set to zero, up to three Monks of the Invoker's choice become Poisoned, and the Invoker gains control of up to three Actors (message the Abbot for more details). The Invoker then gains the ability to set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness twice per day.


B12. A Monk is Living if eir station is neither Heaven nor Hell.


B13. A Blasphemous Monk may attempt to open a gatewell to Hell in the Monastery.

B13.1 A Blasphemous Monk may often Desecrate the Monastery by spending 5 points of Integrity and sending private notice to the Abbot.

B13.2 A Blasphemous Monk may often Offer an Item of eirs to the infernal forces by destroying that Item.

B13.3 If a Blasphemous Monk has Desecrated the Monastery at least 10 times, Offered at least 6 items, Invoked at least 4 distinct Demons (including Asmodeus and Mephistopheles), directly caused in the estimation of the Abbot at least 3 Monks other then emself to have the Stations of Heaven or Hell, and the total Integrity of all Living Monks is less than 50,, then the Abbot shall make a post titled "Hell Breaks Loose". Once all of these conditions are satisfied, that Blasphemous Monk achieves victory the next time e is Standing on an Altar.

The Diff

$diff blasphemous blas


< B11.3 Focalor. A Blasphemous Monk must have Garlic, Nightshade Berries, and a Butcher's Knife to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 20 points of integrity and 5 points of Fitness, whereupon the Herbs and Butcher's Knife are destroyed. E then makes a DICE3 check in the GNDT with the comment "Secret Check" for each Monk in Audible Distance. If the result is 1 or 2, that Monk loses 5 points of Knowledge and becomes Poisoned.

--- > B11.3 Focalor. A Blasphemous Monk must have Garlic, Nightshade Berries, and a Butcher's Knife to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must then spend 20 points of integrity and 5 points of Fitness, whereupon the Herbs and Butcher's Knife are destroyed. E then makes a DICE2 check in the GNDT with the comment "Secret Check" for each Monk in Audible Distance. If the result is 2, that Monk loses 5 points of Knowledge and becomes Poisoned.


< B11.6 Beelzebub. A Blasphemous Monk must have Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 20 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge, whereupon the Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales are destroyed. The Gnosis and Knowledge of all Monks is then set to zero, up to three Monks of the Invoker's choice become Poisoned, and the Invoker gains control of up to three Actors (message the Abbot for more details). The Invoker then gains the ability to set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness twice per day.


> B11.6 Beelzebub. A Blasphemous Monk must have Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales to Invoke this Demon. A Blasphemous Monk must spend 25 points of Fitness and 12 points of Integrity and Knowledge, whereupon the Grave Earth, Nettle Leaf, and Scales are destroyed. The Gnosis and Knowledge of all Monks is then set to zero, up to three Monks of the Invoker's choice become Poisoned, and the Invoker gains control of up to three Actors (message the Abbot for more details). The Invoker then gains the ability to set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness twice per day.

Classical Ruleset (This is still incomplete)

1. If a Monk inside of the Chapel Chants as per Rule 2.19, 'Chanting', e may Specify a Chant by making a post to the front page within twenty-four hours detailing this fact, and the name of the Chant that e has selected. The only legal Chants that may be Specified are listed as clauses of this rule. Some Chants may have a game effect when they are Specified--these effects are listed in the subclause containing the rule.

C1.1 Parce Domine. When this Chant is Specified, if any Abbot has made a DICE3 Check for the purposes of reducing the integrity of all Monks within the last twenty-four hours, the Chanting Monk may add that DICE3 number of points to eir Integrity, to counteract the loss of general integrity.

C1.2 De Profundis Clamo. When this Chant is Specified, if the Chanting Monk is the target of any one Diabolical power in the next twenty-four hours, e may undo its effects.

C1.3 Asperges. When this Chant is Specified, if the Chanting Monk has a positive number of Corruption points, e may decrease them by one.

C2. Prayer. A Monk may often spend five Moves to make a Prayer if e has a Manual of Prayers. The Subject of this Prayer must be selected from a subclause below, and a post must be made to the front page containing notice that the Monk invoking this rule is Praying for that Subject, e.g, "I am Praying for X", where X is the Subject. Alternatively, the notice may say occasionally that a Prayer in Secret is being made, wherein the Subject of the Prayer is to be e-mailed to the Abbot.

There are four effects that can follow from a Prayer, depending on whether or not the Praying Monk has a Rosary and or Incense--these effects are detailed in the subclauses below. If a Monk making a Prayer has Incense, it is automatically destroyed.

C2.1 Peace.

Without a Rosary or Incense: Increase the Integrity of the Praying Monk by two. Any Monk who Picks a Fight within Audible Distance of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours has eir Moves set to zero.

With a Rosary, no Incense: Increase the Integrity of the Praying Monk by two. Any Monk who Picks a Fight within Audible Distance of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours has eir Moves set to zero.

Increase the Temporary Fitness of all Monks in Audible Distance when this Prayer is Made by two. Roll DICE2 for each Monk in Audible Distance when this Prayer is made. If the result is 2, they undertake a Vow of Pacifism.

With Incense, no Rosary: Increase the Integrity of the Praying Monk by two. Any Monk who Picks a Fight within Audible Distance of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours has eir Moves set to zero.

Any Monk who Picks a Fight within Audible Distance of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours undertakes a Vow of Pacifism.

With Incense and a Rosary:

Increase the Integrity of the Praying Monk by three. Any Monk who Picks a Fight within Audible Distance of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours has eir Moves set to zero.

Increase the Temporary Fitness of all Monks in Audible Distance when this Prayer is Made by three. Roll DICE3 for each Monk in Audible Distance when this Prayer is made. If the result is 2 or 3, they undertake a Vow of Pacifism.

C2.2 Protection:

Without a Rosary or Incense: If any one Monk decreases the Temporary Fitness of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours, then the Praying Monk may increase eir Temporary Fitness by the amount lost or four points, whichever is smaller.

With a Rosary, no Incense: If any one Monk decreases the Temporary Fitness of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours, then the Praying Monk may increase eir Temporary Fitness by the amount lost or six points, whichever is smaller.

With Incense, no Rosary: If any one Monk decreases the Temporary Fitness of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours, then the Praying Monk may increase eir Integrity by the amount lost or five points, whichever is smaller.

With Incense and a Rosary: If any one Monk decreases the Temporary Fitness of the Praying Monk within twenty-four hours, then the Praying Monk may increase eir Integrity and Temporary Fitness by the amount lost or six points, whichever is smaller.

The 'R' Ruleset

These are still floating around the front page, and were more or less an ad hoc set of rules to make things amusing at the finish. I'll collect these eventually.


The Abbot, having been in Heaven for almost 5 days, chose Hix among the Monks with the most nominations. Hix's victory came as a shock to nearly everyone.


Wow, these rules look really confusing. --Qwazukee 03:03, 12 Apr 2009 (GMT)

Not only that, but I think most of the secret rules were actually ineffective. However, I was not ever in a position to raise a CfJ concerning their validity.-Bucky 00:25, 7 Jan 2011 (GMT)

This is, to date, the longest dynasty in BlogNomic history, at 93 days. Josh 12:00, 19 Apr 2011 (GMT)

I chanced across an old proposal from this dynasty while looking for something else, and I think the Knowledge rule ("When each Monk votes on a Proposal, e may accompany eir vote with one or more relevant verses from the King James Bible" to get a small score bonus) is one of my favourite mechanics in the game's history. --Kevan 15:41, 24 Oct 2011 (GMT)

Dynastic Histories

Round One - Myke I - Lyndse I - Myke II - Kevan I - Anthony I - Est I - Kevan II - Damanor I - Kevan III - Cayvie I - Josh I - Keitalia I - SatyrEyes I - Metadynasty I - Cayvie II - Brendan I - Kevan IV - Knightking I - Chronos Phaenon I - TrumanCapote I - Knightking II - Quazie I - Simon I - AngryGrasshopper I - Rodney I - Aaron I - Josh II - Metadynasty II - Chronos Phaenon II - Excalabur I - Excalabur II - 75th Trombone I - Elias IX I - Metadynasty III - Angry Grasshopper II - Hix I - Thelonious I - Elias IX II - Rodney II - Clucky I - Doremi I - Chronos Phaenon III - Amnistar I - Clucky II - Amnistar II - Bucky I - Clucky III - Josh III - Kevan V - Hix II - Spikebrennan I - Jack I - Purplebeard I - Rodlen I - Yoda I - Amnistar III - Darknight I - Bucky II - Yoda II - Metadynasty IV - Arthexis I - Amnistar IV - Devenger I - Ais523 I - Ienpw III I - Qwazukee I - Klisz I - Metadynasty V - Bucky III - Wakukee I - Kevan VI - Ais523 II - Josh IV - Purplebeard II - Ais523 III - Ienpw III II - Klisz II - Lilomar I - Coppro I - Ais523 IV - Kevan VII - Brendan II - Alecto I - Josh V - Clucky IV - Purplebeard III - Kevan VIII - Ais523 V - Purplebeard IV - Yoda III - Bucky IV - Kevan IX - Bateleur I - Metadynasty VI - Coppro II - Ais523 VI - Cpt Koen I - Southpointingchariot I - Josh VI - Scshunt III - Quirck I - Clucky V - Bucky V - Kevan X - Josh VII - Kevan XI - Scshunt IV - RaichuKFM I - Larrytheturtle I - Skju I - Metadynasty VII - Purplebeard V - Spitemaster I - Josh VIII - RaichuKFM II - The Alien I - Benzene I - RaichuKFM III - Purplebeard VI - Kevan XII - Ayesdeeef I - Bucky VI - Kevan XIII - Josh IX - Mideg I - Kevan XIV - Brendan III - Kevan XV - Tantusar I - Josh X - Kevan XVI - Thrawn I - Brendan IV - Kevan XVII - Moonroof I - RaichuKFM IV - Larrytheturtle II - Brendan V - Kevan XVIII - Brendan VI - RaichuKFM V - Kevan XIX - Brendan VII - Kevan XX - Viv I - Pokes I - Sphinx I - Madrid I - Pokes II - Madrid II - Metadynasty VIII - Axemabaro I - Diabecko I - Kevan XXI - Diabecko & Card - Kevan XXII - Derrick I - Card II - Madrid III - Card III - Kevan XXIII - Pokes III - Kevan XXIV - Trigon I - Derrick II - Kevan XXV - Derrick III - Farsight I - TyGuy6 I - Pokes IV - Madrid IV - TyGuy6 II - Kevan XXVI - The Duke of Waltham I - Josh XI - Clucky VI - Naught I - Metadynasty IX - Kevan XXVII - Josh XII - Clucky VII - Josh XIII - Bucky VII - Josh XIV - Kevan XXVIII - Lemonfanta I - Clucky VIII - Josh XV - Misty I - ais523 VII - Josh XVI - Kevan XXIX - Trapdoorspyder I - Metadynasty X - Brendan VIII - Brendan IX - Zack I - Misty II - Josh XVII - MadisonSilver I - Josh XVIII - Kevan XXX - Lendunistus I - Josh XIX - SingularByte I - Trapdoorspyder II - Bucky VIII - JonathanDark I - Trapdoorspyder III - Habanero I - JonathanDark II - Misty III - Metadynasty XI - Josh XX - Lemon II - Kevan XXXI - Josh XXI - Clucky IX - Vovix I - JonathanDark III - Zack II - JonathanDark IV - Josh XXII - Kevan XXXII - JonathanDark V - Darknight II - Clucky X - Lukas I - Desertfrog I - ais523 & Josh - Raven1207 I - ais523 IX