The First Dynasty of Moonroof

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January 18, 2015 — February 13, 2016

Ascension Address: A Mostly Empty Playground

A plastic bag is caught in the weeds that grow from the cracks in the concrete play surface. In the distance, you hear the creaking of a chain as the chilly breeze blows a swing back and forth. There’s a few other children here, but mostly the place is desolate. The oldest one gestures for you to come over.

“Wanna play a game?” he asks. “Yeah, I know it looks like we don’t have enough kids for a game. But let me tell you a secret.”

He leans in, conspiratorially. When you’re eight years old, you hope you’ll be half as cool as him. “We all have imaginary friends, right? They can play too. No, it’s not dumb. It’s cool. And then we’ll have enough to play a game. C’mon, do you want to play or not?”

Change “Clerk” to “Child”, “Clerks” to “Children”, and “Director” to “Oldest Child”.


The following players were active: Casper, Kevan*, lilomar*, moonroof, PigheadedGNU, quirck*, RaichuKFM*

Final Ruleset

Ruleset 136

Posts of Interest

  • Imaginary Friends defined NPC players who could vote according to how their rule said they could vote
  • Sparkles the Cat created Sparkles the Cat, who "votes For any Proposal that creates a new Imaginary Friend or amends the rules for an existing Imaginary Friend, and Against any other Proposal"
  • Bestest Friends gave every Imaginary Friend a player that they were best friends with; only that best friend could cast the vote on their behalf
  • Day Watch created Tick-Tock, who "votes AGAINST any Proposal that includes the phrase “Daily Action” or “Weekly Action”, and FOR any other Proposal"
  • TL;DR created Miss Laziness, who "votes FOR proposals which text contains no more than 500 non-whitespace characters, and AGAINST all other proposals."
  • Hives created Queen Bee, who votes for "bee-related things"
  • It Was Like That When I Got Here created the Trouble stat for players, increased when they made an Imaginary Friend vote AGAINST something
  • A Bad Case of the Wiggles created Doctor Wiggle, who votes at random
  • Excitable Dog created Impulsive Puppy, who votes for everything, has no best friend and creates Trouble when voting FOR
  • Checking It Twice created Father Winter, who voted the same way as the player with the lowest Trouble
  • Sooner or Later... created the Calvinball, which could be passed between players and Imaginary Friends
  • There Can Be Only One limited things to one Imaginary Friend per player
  • Teams 2 created Teams for the Calvinball game
  • Simplified Passing allowed the Ball to be passed
  • One More to the Blue Team created Grumpy Cat, who "votes AGAINST all proposals. But he votes FOR proposals that introduce victory condition"
  • It Wasn't Me allowed some Imaginary Friends to have performable Tricks
  • Moving Goalposts added a Score for the Ball game
  • Stealing is Wrong allowed the Ball to be intercepted
  • Alarm Clock created the Coup-Coup Bird, whose Trick is "for its Best Friend to achieve victory"


RaichuKFM proposed a victory-creating Coup Coup bird which attracted support from other players and a few imaginary friends, and "By default, an Imaginary Friend is Best Friends with the Child who proposed the proposal that created the Imaginary Friend". RaichuKFM then used it to win.

Dynastic Histories

Round One - Myke I - Lyndse I - Myke II - Kevan I - Anthony I - Est I - Kevan II - Damanor I - Kevan III - Cayvie I - Josh I - Keitalia I - SatyrEyes I - Metadynasty I - Cayvie II - Brendan I - Kevan IV - Knightking I - Chronos Phaenon I - TrumanCapote I - Knightking II - Quazie I - Simon I - AngryGrasshopper I - Rodney I - Aaron I - Josh II - Metadynasty II - Chronos Phaenon II - Excalabur I - Excalabur II - 75th Trombone I - Elias IX I - Metadynasty III - Angry Grasshopper II - Hix I - Thelonious I - Elias IX II - Rodney II - Clucky I - Doremi I - Chronos Phaenon III - Amnistar I - Clucky II - Amnistar II - Bucky I - Clucky III - Josh III - Kevan V - Hix II - Spikebrennan I - Jack I - Purplebeard I - Rodlen I - Yoda I - Amnistar III - Darknight I - Bucky II - Yoda II - Metadynasty IV - Arthexis I - Amnistar IV - Devenger I - Ais523 I - Ienpw III I - Qwazukee I - Klisz I - Metadynasty V - Bucky III - Wakukee I - Kevan VI - Ais523 II - Josh IV - Purplebeard II - Ais523 III - Ienpw III II - Klisz II - Lilomar I - Coppro I - Ais523 IV - Kevan VII - Brendan II - Alecto I - Josh V - Clucky IV - Purplebeard III - Kevan VIII - Ais523 V - Purplebeard IV - Yoda III - Bucky IV - Kevan IX - Bateleur I - Metadynasty VI - Coppro II - Ais523 VI - Cpt Koen I - Southpointingchariot I - Josh VI - Scshunt III - Quirck I - Clucky V - Bucky V - Kevan X - Josh VII - Kevan XI - Scshunt IV - RaichuKFM I - Larrytheturtle I - Skju I - Metadynasty VII - Purplebeard V - Spitemaster I - Josh VIII - RaichuKFM II - The Alien I - Benzene I - RaichuKFM III - Purplebeard VI - Kevan XII - Ayesdeeef I - Bucky VI - Kevan XIII - Josh IX - Mideg I - Kevan XIV - Brendan III - Kevan XV - Tantusar I - Josh X - Kevan XVI - Thrawn I - Brendan IV - Kevan XVII - Moonroof I - RaichuKFM IV - Larrytheturtle II - Brendan V - Kevan XVIII - Brendan VI - RaichuKFM V - Kevan XIX - Brendan VII - Kevan XX - Viv I - Pokes I - Sphinx I - Madrid I - Pokes II - Madrid II - Metadynasty VIII - Axemabaro I - Diabecko I - Kevan XXI - Diabecko & Card - Kevan XXII - Derrick I - Card II - Madrid III - Card III - Kevan XXIII - Pokes III - Kevan XXIV - Trigon I - Derrick II - Kevan XXV - Derrick III - Farsight I - TyGuy6 I - Pokes IV - Madrid IV - TyGuy6 II - Kevan XXVI - The Duke of Waltham I - Josh XI - Clucky VI - Naught I - Metadynasty IX - Kevan XXVII - Josh XII - Clucky VII - Josh XIII - Bucky VII - Josh XIV - Kevan XXVIII - Lemonfanta I - Clucky VIII - Josh XV - Misty I - ais523 VII - Josh XVI - Kevan XXIX - Trapdoorspyder I - Metadynasty X - Brendan VIII - Brendan IX - Zack I - Misty II - Josh XVII - MadisonSilver I - Josh XVIII - Kevan XXX - Lendunistus I - Josh XIX - SingularByte I - Trapdoorspyder II - Bucky VIII - JonathanDark I - Trapdoorspyder III - Habanero I - JonathanDark II - Misty III - Metadynasty XI - Josh XX - Lemon II - Kevan XXXI - Josh XXI - Clucky IX - Vovix I - JonathanDark III - Zack II - JonathanDark IV - Josh XXII - Kevan XXXII - JonathanDark V - Darknight II - Clucky X - Lukas I - Desertfrog I - ais523 & Josh - Raven1207 I - ais523 IX