The Fifteenth Dynasty of Kevan
July 2 - July 23, 2015
Ascension Address
They say here is where it ended, long before you or I were born. Giants the size of mountains came from the seas and the skies and strode across our lands, trampling the cities and the mightiest armies into dust. When our people constructed a great and terrible weapon to strike back, it was turned around and cast back down upon us, and the air itself burned like oil.
The cities and roads are all but gone now, buried beneath the desert. Our people are scattered and lost, the dead sand only offering up broken machinery and the poisonous fuels that once drove it.
Perhaps there is a better place.
Change “Kaiju” to “Tribe” and “Emperor” to “Nomad”.
The following players were active at the end of the Dynasty:
Darknight*, Ienpw III*, Kevan*, Tekneek, Tantusar*
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
The Dynasty ended when Tantusar achieved a Territory of 13 Zones, and held it for 24 hours. The vote on the DoV, submitted on 23rd July, 2015, was 3-0 in favour of his victory.