The First Dynasty of Viv

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March 2017 - April 13 2017

Ascension Address

The surviving villagers of Zahndorf bury their dead. One of them returns the book of rituals to the library. On the librarian’s desk, they notice a large round rock patterned with pitted swirls. By it, a slim book is opened to a page with a drawing of the same rock, labelled “The Statolith, pictured directly after recovery”. The pages are loose with age. It seems to be a scientific treatise about a deep sea creature, highly speculative as to its shape and life cycle. Carefully, the villager leafs through the book, puzzled by the drawings.

A long time ago, on the sea floor, the Creature is alive. It is not sentient, but awake.


The following players were active at the start of this dynasty:

card, Cuddlebeam, derrick, Kevan, Matt, orkboi, pokes, Quincunx, Viv

And at the end of the dynasty:

arthexis, card, Cuddlebeam, derrick, Matt, Maldor, Oracular rufio, orkboi, pokes, Quincunx, Ryntai, Sphinx, Viv

This dynasty saw three players become admins: card, derrick, and pokes.

Posts of Interest

  • Anatomy Created organ states
  • Creature of Habitat Created a 7x7 grid for the creature to live in.
  • Movement Allowed Creature to Move via limbs
  • The Will of the Creature Added the organ state gland and moods
  • Locations Gave squares on the habitat map names
  • nutrients Created and named Nutrients (oh the terrible names we chose)
  • Dark and Mysterious Landscape Defined Terrain Features
  • Primordial Smoothie Put into place a nutrient economy
  • The Needs Of The Whole Limited the number of nutrients an organ has at any given time to 4, and stores nutrients in the statolith
  • I Can See Clearly Now Allows Scouting by Occellus, which renames cells.
  • obsoleting_notes Changed the note mechanism in core rules to not require the text "note".
  • Mood Swings Actions fullfill moods, decreasing them and giving rewards from the statolith. Exceptions made for hunger.
  • Sustenance Adds a feeding action to the beak, and an nutrient absorption mechanism as a daily communal action. Both are location feature dependent.
  • Diversification A pancreas state allows the converting of nutrients into each other. (was never used)
  • Lest We Run Faster Than We Have Strength Limited the number of times per day an organ could become amorphous, targeted at limiting nutrient intake.
  • Neighbors Defines neighbors and spawns one such neighbor at skeletons: the Big Grumper.
  • Circulatory System Gives daily allowance of nutrients rather than having a special state to draw nutrients from the statolith
  • A Massive Appetite Added guts, which increase ambient nutrient gathering, and formalized the process.
  • Does the Ocean have a Name? Allows scouted locations to be given unique names.
  • Life Expanded List of neighbors, tweaks spawning mechanism. spawning mechanism had odd behavior at this point.
  • Its Crowded in Here Groundwork rulechanges for multiple creatures to exist.


Final Ruleset

Ruleset 146


Dynastic Histories

Round One - Myke I - Lyndse I - Myke II - Kevan I - Anthony I - Est I - Kevan II - Damanor I - Kevan III - Cayvie I - Josh I - Keitalia I - SatyrEyes I - Metadynasty I - Cayvie II - Brendan I - Kevan IV - Knightking I - Chronos Phaenon I - TrumanCapote I - Knightking II - Quazie I - Simon I - AngryGrasshopper I - Rodney I - Aaron I - Josh II - Metadynasty II - Chronos Phaenon II - Excalabur I - Excalabur II - 75th Trombone I - Elias IX I - Metadynasty III - Angry Grasshopper II - Hix I - Thelonious I - Elias IX II - Rodney II - Clucky I - Doremi I - Chronos Phaenon III - Amnistar I - Clucky II - Amnistar II - Bucky I - Clucky III - Josh III - Kevan V - Hix II - Spikebrennan I - Jack I - Purplebeard I - Rodlen I - Yoda I - Amnistar III - Darknight I - Bucky II - Yoda II - Metadynasty IV - Arthexis I - Amnistar IV - Devenger I - Ais523 I - Ienpw III I - Qwazukee I - Klisz I - Metadynasty V - Bucky III - Wakukee I - Kevan VI - Ais523 II - Josh IV - Purplebeard II - Ais523 III - Ienpw III II - Klisz II - Lilomar I - Coppro I - Ais523 IV - Kevan VII - Brendan II - Alecto I - Josh V - Clucky IV - Purplebeard III - Kevan VIII - Ais523 V - Purplebeard IV - Yoda III - Bucky IV - Kevan IX - Bateleur I - Metadynasty VI - Coppro II - Ais523 VI - Cpt Koen I - Southpointingchariot I - Josh VI - Scshunt III - Quirck I - Clucky V - Bucky V - Kevan X - Josh VII - Kevan XI - Scshunt IV - RaichuKFM I - Larrytheturtle I - Skju I - Metadynasty VII - Purplebeard V - Spitemaster I - Josh VIII - RaichuKFM II - The Alien I - Benzene I - RaichuKFM III - Purplebeard VI - Kevan XII - Ayesdeeef I - Bucky VI - Kevan XIII - Josh IX - Mideg I - Kevan XIV - Brendan III - Kevan XV - Tantusar I - Josh X - Kevan XVI - Thrawn I - Brendan IV - Kevan XVII - Moonroof I - RaichuKFM IV - Larrytheturtle II - Brendan V - Kevan XVIII - Brendan VI - RaichuKFM V - Kevan XIX - Brendan VII - Kevan XX - Viv I - Pokes I - Sphinx I - Madrid I - Pokes II - Madrid II - Metadynasty VIII - Axemabaro I - Diabecko I - Kevan XXI - Diabecko & Card I - Kevan XXII - Derrick I - Card I - Madrid III - Card II - Kevan XXIII - Pokes III - Kevan XXIV - Trigon I - Derrick II - Kevan XXV - Derrick III - Farsight I - TyGuy6 I - Pokes IV - Madrid IV - TyGuy6 II - Kevan XXVI - The Duke of Waltham I - Josh XI - Clucky VI - Naught I - Metadynasty IX - Kevan XXVII - Josh XII - Clucky VII - Josh XIII - Bucky VII - Josh XIV - Kevan XXVIII - Lemonfanta I - Clucky VIII - Josh XV - Misty I - ais523 VII - Josh XVI - Kevan XXIX - Trapdoorspyder I - Metadynasty X - Brendan VIII - Brendan IX - Zack I - Misty II - Josh XVII - MadisonSilver I - Josh XVIII - Kevan XXX - Lendunistus I - Josh XIX - SingularByte I - Trapdoorspyder II - Bucky XIII - JonathanDark I - Trapdoorspyder III - Habanero I - JonathanDark II - Misty III - Metadynasty XI - Josh XX - Lemon II - Kevan XXXI - Josh XXI - Clucky IX - Vovix I - JonathanDark III - Zack II - JonathanDark IV - Josh XXII - Kevan XXXII - JonathanDark V