The Third Dynasty of Chronos Phaenon
February 26, 2007 - March 9, 2007
Ascension Address
We the The Iudices Assembled, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, wish to ordain and establish a Constitution.
Therefore, after a full communication of Sentiments, and deliberate consideration of what would be proper to be done by the Iudices now assembled; it was unanimously agreed: that a Committee be appointed to prepare a draft of such a Constitution.
Each Iudex produced the Credentials from eir constituencies and Mr. Chronos Phaenon was elected Arbiter Iuri.
Actors become Iudices (singular Iudex), the Investor becomes Arbiter Iuri. All Dynastic rules are repealed
This page will be a major source of reference for this Dynasty. I want this to be a considerably short Dynasty, so my second starting Proposal will already be a Victory Condition.
Because of the main mechanics I want to see in this Dynasty, I’ll consistently veto Proposals to create or amend Dynastic rules. I’ll not veto Proposals that address the Core Rules unless I feel they are broken, of course.
Final Ruleset
Proposals of Interest
- created Motions, Debate, and complex rules for dealing with them.
- created an early victory condition.
(note that there were few Proposals of interest because the majority of this Dynasty was played using the "Motions" mechanic)
Hix declared victory after he became the only Iudex able legally to make a Motion. Passed over some objections. Hix decided to give the next Dynasty to Amnistar.
The entire Dynasty was very complex and caused much Idling. The Motions mechanic entirely bypassed the necessity for frequent proposals. --Qwazukee 06:41, 12 Apr 2009 (GMT)
Written by Qwazukee.