The First Dynasty of southpointingchariot
March 16, - May 28, 2012
Ascension Address
- Welcome to our planet….
- This is Blogia, the 99th Colony of the Once and Future Empire. Blogia is an enormous dark planet, located lightyears from its nearest neighbor. Though remote, the soil is rich, and colony’s minerals bring in a substantial income from across the galaxy.
- The Colony has received orders and conducted discussions with the Empire via the Ansible, a method of communication which can move information faster than light. As the most talented and savvy citizens, you have risen to positions of power: bureaucrats, businessmen, clergy. You are the Power Players of Blogia.
- But suddenly, the Ansible has gone dark. Nothing coming in, no response going out. It is unclear whether technical failure, invasion, or sabotage is to blame. Without the Ansible, citizens must now use the antiquated Net for communication. More gravely, without contact with the Empire, the colony’s balance of power has begun to disintegrate. Now the real games begin. Who will control Blogia?
Replace Musician with Player. Replace Frontman with Net. Repeal all dynastic rules except "Koen's Band".
The following players (among others) were active during this dynasty: Alda, Bucky*, Clucky*, ChronosPhaenon*, Cpt_Koen, Darknight*, Greytyphoon, Josh*, Kevan, Klisz*, Murphy, omd, Patrick, scshunt*, SlamCrackle, southpointingchariot, Soviet Brendon
Final Ruleset
Posts of Interest
- Blogia introduced all the major mechanics. Basic Resources are bid double-blind to temporarily control Institutions (initially the Mine, the Council and the Legion) that produce Resources (Power, Councilmen and Marines, respectively). Also, whoever has the most power at the 'end' wins.
- Usury added a Bank.
- Slavering added Slave Pits.
- Inflation dynamically calculated an appropriate starting rate of currency for new players.
- Taking It To The Top added the Courthouse, which could shut down institutions.
- Buffering made it so that newly created Institutions only became available for bidding in the next round.
- Power It Up created the Reactor, which could be used to shut off power to Institutions (but not the same one twice in a row).
- Fast Track II allowed a proposal to be enacted immediately if a quorum of players commented FAST TRACK when voting
- Men from the Council capped the maximum number of Councilmen across all players at 12.
- Turns out its really just a deep purple created the Black Market, where Marines could be bought for credits.
- Who Will Control Blogia? created The Public, control of whom could trigger victory if the player could predict how all other players would act during a round.
- Cycle 1 Resolution
- A Vibrating Sieve and Efficiency in Manufacturing was a stone crusher spam post that we mocked instead of deleting
- Lets Try to Limit the Star Wars References added the Rebels Institution
- Tick tock created the Watchtower, an Institution which could spy on other players
- Galactic Galatea added an NPC who could be controlled
- Practical Diplomacy proposed an Institution which could interact with Agora Nomic, but it was voted down
- Cycle 3 Resolution
- Cycle 4 Resolution
- An Offer They Can’t Refuse added the Mob
- Cycle 5 Resolution
- Cycle 6 Resolution
- Self Balancing Binary Search Instituions added increasing bonuses for picking an unpicked Institution
- Cycle 7 Resolution
- Syncopathy took out some any-time actions which had crept into a cycle-based dynasty
- Cycle 8 Resolution
- A Smaller Coup made the Public's victory condition a little easier
- Cycle 9 Resolution
- Cycle 10 Resolution
- Cycle 10 Resolution and courthouse
- Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum Dum-Dum, Dum-Dum, Dum-Dum added The Fleet, which allowed players to guarantee control of an invaded Institution next round
- Cycle 12 Resolution
- (This list of significant dynastic events is currently incomplete.)
- The Harbourmaster: Josh had the greatest Power at the end of the final Cycle.